| Facts About Schizophrenia | | - It is estimated that more than 2.1 million Americans now have schizophrenia. There are more Americans with schizophrenia than there are residents of North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming combined.
- Schizophrenia can be found in approximately 1% of the world's population, regardless of racial, ethnic or even economic background.
- Three-quarters of persons with schizophrenia develop the illness between 16 and 25 years of age.
- The disorder tends to "run" in families, but only among blood relatives.
- To be diagnosed as having schizophrenia, one must have associated symptoms for at least six months.
- Studies have indicated that 25 percent of those having schizophrenia recover completely, 50 percent are improved over a 10-year period, and 25 percent do not improve over time.
- Treatment and other economic costs due to schizophrenia are enormous, estimated between $32.5 and $65 billion.
- Between one-third and one-half of all homeless adults have schizophrenia.
- Fifty percent of people diagnosed with schizophrenia have received no treatment.