National Schizophrenia Foundation
Advancing Support, Information, and Awareness

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Board of Directors
The National Schizophrenia Foundation is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) agency. Funding comes from a number of foundation and corporate grants, as well as individual donations. Additional funds are received through conference fees and literature distribution.

While the NSF does not maintain a formal membership, it does welcome donations from individuals and organizations who are supportive of the Foundation's efforts. Persons interested in making a donation may access the Online Donation Form directly.

NSF is a participating agency in the United Way and Combined Federal Campaign (#9895).

About NSF
Our Mission
  It is the mission of the National Schizophrenia Foundation (NSF) to develop and maintain support groups for individuals, and their friends and family members, affected by schizophrenia and related disorders; and to be a broad resource for all persons regarding schizophrenia and related disorders through education, information, and public awareness services.
Our History
  In response to the need for increased attention to schizophrenia-related disorders and the consumer perspective, the National Schizophrenia Foundation (NSF) was incorporated in November 1999 as a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) agency.

All of this emanated from the initiative of Joanne Verbanic who originally intended to create a support group to help herself and others in the Detroit area in 1984. Before long, others sought to begin similar groups around the country. Today, more than 150 Schizophrenics Anonymous (SA) support groups meet throughout the US, as well as in Australia, Canada, Mexico, Brazil and Venezuela.

Schizophrenics Anonymous (SA), which early on secured the administrative assistance of a statewide nonprofit agency, has received daily contacts for years. While a significant percentage of contacts has related to information specific to SA, an increasing number has dealt with other issues pertaining to schizophrenia (e.g., information about symptoms and treatments, available services, housing options, etc.).

To more effectively respond to these demands, and to garner the necessary national resources, the National Schizophrenia Foundation was formed. The Foundation's two key areas of focus are self-help support groups for persons with schizophrenia-related disorders, and public awareness/anti-stigma activities.

The NSF continues to enhance the infrastructure of the SA network to meet public demand. New group development is ongoing (i.e., training, materials, etc.), with a special project now underway which focuses on incarcerate settings. The 150+ existing groups are receiving ongoing support, and community outreach is taking place to foster group development and attendance.

In the area of public awareness, the NSF sponsors and promotes the annual National Schizophrenia Awareness Day (a.k.a, Pinel Day) activities held on May 24. The NSF is also producing and disseminating educational materials, and is involved in planning, conducting, and/or participating in educational conferences.


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