National Schizophrenia Foundation
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Order NSF Materials
The following is a list of materials that  can be ordered from the National Schizophrenia Foundation.

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Printed Literature and General Information
Item NumberItemDescriptionPrice Per Unit
SZ001Schizophrenia: Questions and AnswersBooklet addressing five questions: What is it? What causes it? How is it treated? How can others help? What is the outlook?$1.50
SZ002Understanding SchizophreniaA guide for people with schizophrenia and their families$0.75
SZ003About SchizophreniaBooklet that defines the types of schizophrenia, lists possible causes, and outlines treatment$1.25
SZ004Schizo-Affective DisorderBooklet that defines schizo-affective disorder, speaks about symptoms & treatment, and provides resources$1.25
SZ005SchizophreniaPamphlet addresses possible causes, methods for diagnosis, symptoms, effects on the family, its treatment, and advances in research$0.75
SZ007The Schizophrenia SourceNSF NewsletterDonation
SZ008"The Day The Voices Stopped" by Ken SteeleA powerful and inspiring story of Ken Steele's illness and his hard-won recovery (Hardcover book -257 pages)$17.50
Schizophrenics Anonymous
SA001Schizophrenics Anonymous:The SA "Blue Book" provides more in-depth information about SA's philosophy, Six Steps, how a meeting operates, members' stories, etc.$2.25
A Self-Help Support Group (Blue Book)
SA002Schizophrenics Anonymous:General information about SA, the Six Steps, and schizophrenia$0.30
You are Not Alone (Brochure)
SA003"SA Forum" NewsletterPeriodical written by members$5.00 Yearly Subscription
SA004SA Assorted FactsFact Sheet containing additional information about Schizophrenics Anonymous$0.20
SA005SA Wallet CardsFeatures the Six Steps, serenity prayer, and contact information$0.50
SA006"Choose Life" Project ChaptersA series of 4 papers featuring articles, messages, techniques, life affirming thoughts, etc. To give the reader personal meaning in a difficult life.$10.00 set of all 4
SA006-1Choosing Life$3.00
SA006-2Cultivating Hope$3.00
SA006-3Affirming Life$3.00
SA006-4The Happiness Series$3.00
SA007"For People in Recovery, By People in Recovery" Literature SeriesA series of three brochures written by people with schizophrenia on topics of interest for people with schizophrenia$4.00 set of all 3
SA007-1An Introduction$1.50
SA007-3How to Talk With$1.50
Video Tapes
AV001Joanne Verbanic Speaks on Schizophrenia & SA28 minutes$15.00
AV002How to Start an SA Group - Development Information48 minutes$15.00
AV003Lives in Progress: People with Schizophrenia today20 minutes$8.00
Audio Tapes
AV004Joanne Verbanic Speaks on Schizophrenia & SA42 minutes$7.00
AV005SA Blue Booklet90 minutes$7.00

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