National Schizophrenia Foundation
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The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) conducts clinical research studies on schizophrenia and related disorders. The NIMH seeks participants for studies at different locations across the United States. For further information on participating in a clinical research study, go to the: NIMH Web Site

Reading List
For a list of periodicals with additional information on schizophrenia, click any of the following categories: (Note: Mouse Click on the category to see the expanded list)
  • For People Living With Schizophrenia:
    • Schizophrenia Revealed: From Neurons to Social Interactions - Green, Michael Foster, $19.95 cover price; paperback, W.W. Norton, 2003. Educational/informational/ scientific, yet readable.
    • Don't Call Me Nuts: Coping with the Stigma of Mental Illness - Corrigan, Patrick and Robert Lundin. Recovery Press, Cover Price $26.50. DON'T CALL ME NUTS! addresses one of the pressing issues in psychiatry today, indeed in the larger scope of civil rights in society - the stigma of mental illness. In its pages, Corrigan and Lundin explore all facets of the stigma which persons with mental illnesses face. DON'T CALL ME NUTS! is both a valuable resource, a history lesson, and a gaze into the future of a stigma-less community.
    • Diagnosis Schizophrenia: A Comprehensive Resource - How it Feels, What to Do, Staying Healthy - Miller, Rachel & Mason, Susan E., Columbia University Press, 2002. This book has a lot of consumers' stories in the first person and sketches of their faces sprinkled throughout.
    • Getting Your Life Back Together When You have Schizophrenia - Temes, Roberta, Ph.D. Cover Price $14.95, paperback, New Harbinger Publications, Inc., 2002. Good for someone who's just been diagnosed.
    • Surviving Mental Illness: Stress, Coping, and Adaptation - Hatfield, Agnes B.and Lefley, Harriet P. Cover Price $24.00 paperback - Guilford Publications, 1993. This is more general and would probably be helpful for families and newly-diagnosed people.
  • Books for Family Members:
    • I Am Not Sick, I Don't Need Help - Amador, Xavier, Ph.D. with Anna-Lisa Johanson, Vida Press, Cover Price $17.95. This book is a must read for families and caregivers trying to cope with a loved on with mental illness who refuses treatment because they do not believe that they are ill. Also available in Spanish.
    • Surviving Schizophrenia: A Family Manual - Torrey, E. Fuller, M.D. $9.95 cover price, Perennial Library, Harper & Row Publishers. Surviving Schizophrenia describes the nature, causes, symptoms, treatment and course of the illness as well as chapters on living with schizophrenia from both the patient's and the family's points of view.
    • When Someone You Love has Mental Illness: A Handbook for Family, Friends, and Caregivers - Woolis, Rebecca, MFT. $14.95 cover price, paperback, Tarcher/Penguin, 2003. Similar in content to Surviving Mental Illness, yet specifically designed for the caregiver.
  • Policy:
    • Ill Equipped: U.S. Prisons and Offenders with Mental Illness - Human Rights Watch, 2003. Documents the shameful conditions individuals suffering from mental illness face behind walls including inadequate mental health services, violence, abuse and harassment at the hands of other prisoners and even correctional officers.
    • Out of the Shadows, Confronting America's Mental Illness Crisis - Torrey, E. Fuller, M.D. Cover Price $19.95, Wiley & Sons, 40-50% discount for 5 or more copies. This book exposes shocking facts and opinions about deinstitutionalization.
  • Diagnostic:
    • Handbook of Clinical Psychopharmacology for Therapists from New Harbinger. Hardcover, Cover Price $55.95.
    • DSM-IV Made Easy: The Clinicians Guide to Diagnosis - Morrison, James, M.D. The Guilford Press, 1995. This book interprets the DSM-IV published by the American Psychiatric Association in accessible language so that lay people can understand psychiatric disorders.
  • Autobiographical/Memoir:
    • Welcome, Silence - North, Carol, MD. Academic Renewal Press, 2002. This is the amazing true account of one woman's journey deep into mental illness and her return to sanity and a successful life and career. Describes a unique therapy method that miraculously worked for Dr. North.
    • The Day The Voices Stopped - Steele, Ken, Basic Books, Perseus Books Group. Cover Price $14.95. Steele spent 32 years of his life living with the devastating symptoms of schizophrenia: tortured by inner voices commanding him to kill himself, ravaged by the delusions of paranoia, barely surviving on the ragged edges of society. In this inspiring story, Steele tells of his hard-won recovery from schizophrenia and how activism and advocacy helped him to regain his sanity and go on to give hope and support to so many others like him.
    • The Quiet Room: A Journey Out of the Torment of Madness - A. Lori/Bennet Schiller, Warner Books, Cover Price $13.95. Lori Schiller has done a magnificent job of chronicling her battle with schizophrenia. Horrible, taunting voices drove her to suicide attempts, drug abuse, numerous hospitalizations, and homelessness. Eventually she got the right treatment, the most important component of which was the antipsychotic drug Clozaril.

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